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Category Archives: Tips for Landlords

How Thoroughly Should You Screen Your Tenants?


Would you rather deal with a prolonged vacancy or an eviction? If you are an experienced landlord, you know the answer. Finding the right tenant for your rental property can take time and effort. After all, you want to avoid long periods of vacancy, but you also want to avoid going through the eviction process. Today, […]

Understanding Rental Occupancy Standards and Limits

Landlords must create various policies and guidelines to maintain a safe and habitable property for all tenants. This can include everything from inspections and maintenance to applicant screening and beyond. One crucial factor for landlords to establish in their properties is rental occupancy standards. For landlords, most processes rely heavily on black and white laws […]

5 Things to Include in Your Tenant Manual


Finding a good tenant is only half of a landlord’s job. The other half is managing the property with the tenant in it, which can be a demanding task. To make it a bit easier, many property managers create a “tenant manual.” Even though the rental contract outlines most of the tenants’ responsibilities, a tenant […]

What to Do and How to Evict a Squatter in Your Rental Property

As a landlord, securing responsible and paying tenants is the ultimate goal. However, there are a few things along the way that can derail those plans. For example, if the property has been vacant for a while and someone decides to move in illegally. Furthermore, a tenant could choose not to leave after their lease […]

Large Appliance Care: Tips for Making Them Last in Your Rental Home


Renting your home includes a lot of time and responsibility. From tenant screening to collecting monthly rent payments and everything in between, it is easy for a landlord to neglect a significant part of the rental home: large appliances. However, it’s crucial to prioritize large appliance care if you want to save money and ensure […]

Apartment Building Amenities Tenants Look for in a Rental Home

Renters these days are looking for specific apartment building amenities to improve their renting experience. That said, when you own a rental business, one of your top priorities should be keeping an updated living space that people are eager to rent. Most of the time, landlords can work with their rental property management team to […]

Landlord-Tenant Laws to Remember


Laws concerning rental homes are established to protect both the landlord and tenant involved in the lease agreement. While landlords want to make a profit and wish to keep their investment properties safe, tenants want their rights to be respected. As such, compliance with federal, state, and local regulations of rental housing is crucial for […]

What are Rental Lease Addendums and How to Use Them

The rental agreement is the most critical document for landlords and tenants. That said, a lease involves many different clauses, addendums, and disclosures that each carries its own legal ramifications. In addition, essential components of a lease will vary based on location and the property’s specific needs. So, to thoroughly understand what these additions mean […]

Selling vs Renting Your Investment Property in Today’s Changing Market

To sell or rent – that is the question. However, the answer is not a simple one. Owning rental properties can be a lucrative long-term investment and provide a steady source of monthly income. That said, many areas across the country are experiencing a strong sellers’ market, leaving owners wondering if they should cash in […]

Kitchen Renovations that Homebuyers Love: Adding Value to Your Home

If your kitchen doesn’t give you the impression of being “the castle,” it may be time for a renovation. Kitchen renovations are an excellent way to add some flare to your home and increase its value. Whether you’re planning to sell your house or just feel it’s time to give your kitchen a mere facelift and […]