6,000Units Under Management
Less Than 1% Eviction Rate
Avg. Time Rental Is on Market 23 Days

Author Archives: Patrick Freeze

Are Landlords Really That Bad? Rising Issues With Landlords

Lately, landlords have been in the news–and not in a good way. Everyone knows that inflation has affected most people’s finances. However, some individuals think landlords are contributing to the housing crisis by raising rent, evicting tenants, and making affordable housing less attainable. In the video below, we discuss why people have issues with landlords, […]

Post-Pandemic Property Management: What’s Changed?


Before 2020, it was hard to imagine a world that was essentially shut down. Quarantining, social distancing, and wearing masks were not the norm until the COVID-19 pandemic hit. As you can imagine, it changed how most people lived their everyday lives, including at work. Some people switched from working in-office to working from home, […]

Employee Spotlight – Tanya Glover, Senior Leasing Agent


At Bay Property Management Group, we are property management professionals focused on customer service. Furthermore, our goal is to make property ownership both a pleasurable and profitable experience for our clients. We know that our success is due to our awesome team members and how they each contribute something special to our property management company. […]

7 Tactics for a Better Tenant Retention Rate and Fewer Turnovers

All landlords aim to keep high-quality tenants in their rentals to minimize vacancies. However, you won’t always find the perfect tenants to stay in your properties long-term. That said, one of the most expensive parts of owning a rental business is tenant turnover. Therefore, landlords work hard to increase their tenant retention rate. If you’re […]

Is There a Housing Shortage in 2023?

It’s no secret that the housing market has changed drastically over the past few years. Right now, we’re witnessing a housing shortage in 2023. However, it’s nothing new. Fewer available homes and increasing prices have become serious problems for buyers and renters all over the U.S. That said, it’s important to understand what causes a […]

Short-Term vs Long-Term Lease: Which Is Better?


There are several types of rental lease agreements to choose from. Most of the time, it depends on your level of commitment and what kind of rental home you’re looking for. For instance, if you’re temporarily relocating for work or going on an extended vacation, you may look for a short-term rental home. On the […]

Benefits of a Longer Lease Agreement for Landlords and Tenants


When you move into a new rental home, you’ll sign a lease agreement stating the lease duration, rental rate, and essential information about the rental contract. Most lease agreements last 12 months, sometimes giving tenants a chance to renew at the end. On the other hand, if your move is temporary, you may look for […]

Unusual, But Legal, Pets Your Tenant May Own in a Rental Property

For many individuals, pets are just as much a part of their family as any blood relative. Whether or not your rental allows pets could significantly affect your qualified tenant pool in today’s rental industry. As a landlord, accepting pets is a big decision, and there are plenty of things to consider. Today our focus is […]

The Rise of the TikTok Landlord: What Does It Mean?

TikTok has become a popular platform for content creators from various backgrounds, including real estate. Additionally, it’s become a place for new or up-and-coming landlords to gain popularity and talk about their experiences. However, these “TikTok landlords” are starting to get some hate from individuals who don’t understand or align with their business strategies. But, […]

How to Build an Effective At-Home Workout with Everyday Items

Since the start of the pandemic, more and more people have started working out at home instead of in a gym. Not only is it more sanitary, but it’s much more convenient, especially for tenants with busy schedules. That said, you don’t need expensive equipment to get a good workout in. In fact, using items […]