If five years ago you could rent out even the most minimalistic apartment in terms of amenities, you might not get as lucky today. It’s 2013 and your tenants are spoiled with comfort and technology, and most of the time willing to pay for both. If your property doesn’t have those “essentials” your potential tenants […]
Author Archives: Bay Property Management Group
As a house owner, you know that the Holiday Season is one of the busiest times of the year. On top of the regular work-home routine, most people are also deal hunting, gift shopping, planning elaborate parties, decorating and spending long hours cooking family dinners. Your tenants are not an exception, and our experts from […]
The year is coming to an end and at some point you will need to sort through the piles of paperwork that accumulated on your table. It might be tempting to just put everything in one big box and forget about it, but at Bay Property Management Group we strongly recommend you to take the […]
You know by now that the only way to make your rental property profitable is by having tenants. Sometimes, you may be struggling to find new renters due to a tough economy, competitive market or some other reasons. Bay Property Management Group is here to make sure the appearance of your property isn’t one of the reasons […]
Property management is a serious business that requires a serious approach. Make sure you have all regulations, procedures and paperwork in place before you put your property on the market. Bay Property Management Group is here today to help you avoid a few embarrassing situations that may occur if you are new to property management. […]
Both sides of the rental agreement have their own responsibilities. Most of the tenants’ responsibilities are outlined in the contract, but landlords have a lot more things to worry about. They are responsible for keeping the property safe, livable and hazard-free, which is not an easy job. At Bay Property Management Group, we know how […]
An income property is not working for you if it’s empty. Getting the right tenants and ensuring they enjoy their stay is one of the responsibilities of a property manager. When tenants are satisfied, they are likely to recommend your place, not to mention that you will avoid the drama and save yourself some nerve […]