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Strategies for Dealing With Noisy Neighbors in Rentals


Living in rental properties can be convenient and less expensive than owning a home. However, it does come with some downsides, like dealing with neighbors, especially if you’re in an apartment complex. Noisy neighbors in rentals can be extremely frustrating, especially if disturbances happen at night when you’re trying to sleep. Today, we will review how to deal with noisy neighbors and strategies to reduce noise in rental properties. 

Contents of This Article: 

Dealing With Noisy Neighbors in Rentals

Unfortunately, you don’t always get to choose who you live next to. When you live in an apartment complex or close to other rental homes, there’s a chance you’ll be able to hear noise from your neighbors. As most landlords and Philadelphia property management companies know, noise complaints can be quite frequent for rental properties. 

That said, it’s important to recognize the difference between reasonable noise complaints and normal apartment building noise. After all, it will not be completely silent in your rental at all times. So, here’s a list of some common noise complaints in apartment buildings. 

Some apartment noises are unavoidable, like walking, talking, or closing doors. Those are all normal, everyday activities that everyone does. However, if you’re hearing excessive noise that travels to your rental property, you’ll likely want to put a stop to it. Next, we’ll review some things tenants can do about noisy neighbors in rentals. 

What Can Tenants Do About Noisy Neighbors?

If you’re a tenant dealing with noisy neighbors in a rental property, there are several steps you can take to address the issue. 

What Landlords Can Do To Handle Noise Complaints

Constantly hearing your noisy neighbors day in and day out can be incredibly frustrating. Additionally, if you try talking to them about the issue with no resolution, it’s even more aggravating. However, it’s important to not lash out at your neighbors but instead try to solve the issue calmly and respectfully. 

If you’re not getting through to your neighbor, you may need to talk to your landlord to help resolve the issue. That said, there are several things landlords can do to handle noise complaints and mediate the issue between two tenants. 

Strategies for Tenants to Reduce Noise in Rentals

Dealing with noisy neighbors in rentals can happen. If they’re not doing anything to necessarily disturb the peace, you’ll want to find solutions to help deal with the noise. Luckily, there are a few things that tenants can do in their apartment or rental to help reduce outside noise. Here are a few strategies. 

Reduce Disturbances With Proper Management

Noisy neighbors in rentals can be extremely frustrating for some tenants. However, knowing how to resolve excessive noise issues peacefully and respectfully is important for tenants and landlords alike. That said, working with a reliable property management company can help cut down on tenant complaints and resolve them more efficiently. 

Need More Advice? contact us today!

If you’re looking for a trusted property management group to work with, look no further than BMG. Bay Property Management Group offers comprehensive rental management services throughout Baltimore, Philadelphia, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC. So, whether you need help finding qualified tenants, handling tenant communication, collecting payments, or maintenance, we’ve got it covered. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your rental business succeed!