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Large Appliance Care: Tips for Making Them Last in Your Rental Home


Renting your home includes a lot of time and responsibility. From tenant screening to collecting monthly rent payments and everything in between, it is easy for a landlord to neglect a significant part of the rental home: large appliances. However, it’s crucial to prioritize large appliance care if you want to save money and ensure tenant satisfaction. Today, we’ll review the importance of including rental appliances and how to care for them long-term. 

Contents of This Article: 

Importance of Rental Appliances

Appliances in your rental home are generally considered equipment that performs domestic chores. By definition, the refrigerator, stove/oven, dishwasher, and washer/dryer units would then be considered appliances.

It is not uncommon to include appliances in your rental home for use by the tenant. After all, most potential tenants are drawn to homes that include all appliances. Additionally, landlords that provide those appliances can often charge higher rent because including appliances is a bonus to renting the home.

No laws require landlords to include appliances within their rental homes. However, many landlords opt to provide them in their rental properties to remain competitive in the rental market and keep up with potential tenants’ expectations. The problem, however, is that landlords often forget to maintain the appliances they allow their tenants to use regularly.

Since landlords are not living in the home, large appliance care is often left to the tenant, who may not be tending to the appliances as they should. This leaves room for the possibility that your large appliances — the ones you so kindly offer to the tenants you rent your home to – will break before their average lifespan is up.

Let’s look at some large appliance maintenance tips so that you can continue to offer your tenants the luxury of appliances without losing money due to early breakage.

Appliance Inventory & Lease Options

It is important to note the complexity of large appliance care within a rental home. For instance, unless it is spelled out clearly in the lease agreement, there is no specific law stating appliances are required in rental homes or who is responsible when a large appliance breaks.

As such, it is wise to include provisions in your lease agreement so that should a major issue arise, the lease agreement will hold up in court. Additionally, you must discuss the details regarding appliance care, maintenance, and responsibility with your tenant at the lease signing, whether you choose to remain responsible for all appliances or not.

One option is to include an appliance checklist within the tenant manual that you should provide to your tenants. This checklist will inventory all appliances you choose to provide in your rental home. This checklist might include information such as:

Providing this detailed list of information to your tenant will help clear up any confusion regarding maintenance obligations for both parties. Additionally, it will ensure protection if a tenant damages, breaks, or steals your appliances. It will also protect the tenant should any pre-existing damages exist.

To Buy or Repair

The general rule when it comes to purchasing new appliances for your home is if the repair costs more than half the cost of a new appliance and the appliance is more than halfway through its useful lifespan, buy a new one.

To get an idea of the general lifespans of some major appliances that may be in your rental home, take a look at the following list:

Appliance Average Lifespan (Years)
Compactor 6
Dishwasher 10
Disposal 10-12
Dryer 10-13
Exhaust Fan 10
Freezer 11-20
Microwave 7-8
Range, electric 13-15
Range, gas 15
Range/oven hood 14
Refrigerator 13
Washer 10-13

Large Appliance Care Suggestions

In addition to providing a detailed list of maintenance obligations to your tenants, follow these suggested tips on maintaining your rental between tenants to help keep your appliances in tip-top shape.


If you feel you might need to purchase a new refrigerator, check out this useful information.



Clothes Washer/Dryer

One of the most sought-after appliances in a rental home is a washer and dryer. Check out how to buy a new washer and dryer.

Care for Your Rentals With Property Management

Appliances can be amazing amenities for your rental properties. They can attract quality tenants, increase the monthly rent collection, and put you at the top of the competition. However, both short-term and long-term large appliance care is essential. That way, your added income is not wasted on repairs or replacements of these large appliances.

Enlisting the help of your favorite rental property management group can help relieve the headache of appliance responsibility and maintenance, as well as reduce any potential disputes should the appliance break down. If you’re looking for a reliable rental management team, consider Bay Property Management Group. We offer comprehensive management services, including rental marketing, tenant screening, property maintenance, and more. 

Need More Advice? contact us today!

So, let us help you determine what to include in your rental home so you can rest easy at night knowing your property is in good hands. Contact us today to learn about our services throughout Baltimore, Philadelphia, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC.