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The Rise of the TikTok Landlord: What Does It Mean?

TikTok has become a popular platform for content creators from various backgrounds, including real estate. Additionally, it’s become a place for new or up-and-coming landlords to gain popularity and talk about their experiences. However, these “TikTok landlords” are starting to get some hate from individuals who don’t understand or align with their business strategies. But, what exactly are they doing wrong? Check out the video below where we go over what it means to be a TikTok landlord and the impacts on tenants and the housing market. 

Contents of This Article: 

What Does It Mean to Be a TikTok Landlord?

A “TikTok landlord” refers to someone who gains popularity or attention on TikTok by sharing content related to their experiences–specifically how they make money from real estate. Some TikTok landlords have accumulated large followings by sharing insights into the rental market, showcasing their properties, or offering advice on managing rental properties. 

However, not everyone agrees with the advice being put out there. Recently, there’s been a surge of young investors looking to “get rich quick” by buying cheap properties and renting them out above market value. These TikTok landlord videos contain young investors professing how to buy and rent out properties to tenants–and get rich in the process. But often, fail to mention the obligations and responsibilities that good landlords and Northern Virginia property managers have. 

The main problem is that many TikTok landlords imply that owning rental properties is “not that difficult.” However, this becomes problematic because being a landlord takes a ton of work and responsibility. When TikTok landlords frame their responsibilities as “easy” or “passive,” it can give some people false hope. 

Additionally, many TikTok landlords encourage buying vacation homes or Airbnb properties. While this is an excellent strategy for some investors, it may create issues within the housing market. For instance, with more vacation rentals and fewer rental homes on the market, some people have difficulty finding long-term housing.  

Despite the rise of the TikTok landlord, it’s important to recognize that many landlords strive to provide safe and well-maintained housing, treat their tenants fairly, and follow legal and ethical practices. 

Impact of New Investors on the Housing Market

The new generation of investors, or “TikTok landlords,” can impact the housing market in various ways. That said, the effects may vary depending on their investment type and strategy. Here are some general points to consider while learning more about TikTok landlords. 

Is This Strategy Better or Worse for Tenants?

The impact of new investors on tenants can be both positive and negative, depending on various factors. Here are some considerations while thinking about it from a tenant’s perspective. 

Positive Impacts

Negative Impacts

Ensure Proper Management With BMG

Whether you’ve been investing for years or you’re entering your “TikTok landlord” era, it’s crucial to focus on excellent management. After all, the last thing you want is to fit into the stereotypical “bad landlord” category. 

One of the best ways to ensure happy tenants and well-maintained properties is with a comprehensive rental management company. If your main priorities are your tenants and the well-being of your rentals, look no further than Bay Property Management Group. 

Need More Advice? contact us today!

BMG offers a wide range of rental management services, from marketing to tenant screening, maintenance, rent collection, and more. So, if you’re looking for rental management in or around Baltimore, Philadelphia, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC, contact BMG today.