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Pro’s and Con’s of Short-Term Rentals in Exton, Pennsylvania

Hiring a Property Manager in Chester County Pennsylvania

With the growing popularity of sites like Airbnb, Vrbo, and HomeAway, more and more landlords are weighing the option to go short term. Before taking the plunge, consider hiring a property manager in Chester County and see what they can do to maximize your long term rental options. Read on as we examine some of the advantages and disadvantages of short-term rentals.

What is Short-Term Rental?

Also commonly known as vacation rentals, short term renting means someone is staying in your home for a limited time. Typically, these rentals range from a few nights to a few months. The expectations of a short term renter are different that long term, so check out these pros and cons below.

Pros of Short-Term Rentals

Cons of Owning a Short-Term Rental

Other Disadvantages to Consider

Should I Consider Short-Term Rentals for My Chester County Rental Home?

So, is owning a short term rental right for you? There are some advantages depending on your investment goals. That said, there are also some significant cons to consider. Long term rentals provide more financial stability than short term options and, with proper management, can help you reach your profit goals. Consider hiring a property manager in Chester County and see what they can do to maximize your long term rental options.