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Employee Spotlight – Nerissa Gagarin, Property Manager for BMG

At Bay Property Management Group, we are property management professionals focused on customer service. Furthermore, our goal is to make property ownership both a pleasurable and profitable experience for our clients. We know that our success is due to our awesome team members and how they each contribute to our Baltimore property management company.

Therefore, we are initiating our Employee Spotlight to help you get to know more about our talented employees and how their unique backgrounds and expertise help us stay a “cut above the rest.” Today, we proudly introduce Nerissa Gagarin, Property Manager for BMG. Read on to discover all about Nerissa, her professional background, and what she enjoys most about working here at Bay Property Management Group.

Meet Nerissa Gagarin, Property Manager for BMG 

Nerissa is one of our dedicated property managers here at BMG. She’s been with us for almost three years and has worked in the property management industry for almost seven years. 

Before starting her property management career, she graduated with a degree in travel and hospitality management. Then, she worked as an account manager for a UK bank, HSBC. Then, prior to working at BMG, she was a successful property manager with four years of experience in a management company in North Carolina. 

We appreciate Nerissa and all the hard work she does for BMG. Let’s learn a little more about what she does in a day, her favorite parts of being a property manager, and why she loves BMG!

A Day in the Life of Nerissa Gagarin

Nerissa starts her day at around 7 am EST by checking emails and messages to see if any urgent issues have come up overnight. Then, she communicates with tenants to address their concerns or questions. 

Throughout the day, she handles maintenance requests, coordinates repairs with contractors, and ensures that properties are well-maintained. Additionally, she handles lease-related tasks like renewals, lease enforcement, and rent collection. 

During the work day, she might have meetings with property owners to provide updates on the status of the property and discuss any upcoming projects or issues. 

Overall, her day is mainly focused on ensuring the smooth operation of the property and addressing any issues that arise promptly and effectively. 

Nerissa’s Favorite Part of Being a Property Manager

Nerissa’s favorite part of her job as a property manager is the satisfaction of solving problems and positively impacting both owners’ and tenants’ lives. She enjoys it all, whether it’s resolving maintenance issues promptly, helping owners or tenants find solutions to their concerns, or creating a welcoming environment for everyone. Here’s what she has to say:

“Building positive relationships with owners and tenants, seeing them happy with their living situation is incredibly rewarding. Additionally, I appreciate the variety in my work, as each day brings new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.”

One thing that’s surprised Nerissa about working in the property management industry is the diversity of daily situations and challenges. From handling unexpected maintenance emergencies to navigating complex lease agreements and resolving tenant disputes, there’s never a dull moment. 

Additionally, she’s been surprised at the importance of effective communication and relationship-building skills in this field. She says,

“Building rapport with tenants, contractors, and property owners is essential for smooth operations and successful outcomes. Overall, the dynamic nature of the property management industry keeps me on my toes and continually learning.”

What’s It Like Being a Property Manager?

One thing Nerissa wishes people knew about her job as a property manager is the level of dedication and effort that goes into ensuring a well-maintained and smoothly operated property. She explains,

“It’s not just about collecting rent or fixing things when they break. There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work involved in coordinating repairs, enforcing lease agreements, responding to tenant needs, and keeping the property in compliance with regulations.”

Property managers strive to create a positive living environment for tenants while also managing the financial aspects and administrative tasks associated with property management. It’s a challenging but rewarding role that requires a diverse set of skills and a commitment to provide exceptional service. 

Why Nerissa Loves Bay Property Management Group

Nerissa loves that Bay Property Management Group prioritizes exceptional customer service, ensuring both property owners and tenants receive prompt and attentive support. She states,

“We are a team of highly skilled professionals with extensive knowledge of the local real estate market, property laws, and best practices in property management.”

BMG utilizes advanced technology and software systems to streamline processes, enhance communication, and provide transparency to clients. Mainly, we offer tailored management solutions to meet the specific needs and goals of property owners. Whether they own single-family homes, multi-unit properties, or commercial real estate, we handle it all. 

Nerissa’s best advice for anyone considering this field or those in the industry already is to prioritize communication with tenants and property owners. She states,

“Clear and open communication can help build trust, resolve conflicts, and ensure that everyone’s needs are addressed effectively. Staying organized and proactive can make a significant difference in managing properties efficiently and preventing potential issues from escalating.”

Getting to Know Nerissa Gagarin Outside of the Office

Bay Property Management Group is a full-service property management company. We’re here to help you with all your residential and multi-family property needs. Our business is strictly property management, so our specialization enables us to serve you better. Contact BMG today to learn more about our rental property management services and speak to one of our fantastic employees like Nerissa Gagarin.