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How to Go Paperless With Managing Your Rental Property

How to Go Paperless With Your Rental Property Business

Proper bookkeeping is crucial to the success of any landlord.

And, as portfolios begin to build, one tenant turns into ten, and the amount of documents you must keep on hand for not only your rental properties, but those occupying them, continues to grow.

The next thing you know, your need for a paperless solution becomes dire.

You may have been toying with the idea of going paperless with your rental property business for some time now.

After all, there are many reasons why going paperless is a good idea.

Or, perhaps you are just beginning to grow your Severna Park portfolio, and have yet to think about going paperless because you simply have too many other things going on.

No matter what stage you are in with your rental property business, now is as good a time as ever to think about going paperless with regards to managing your rental property.

Regardless of how many rental properties you own, going paperless will get you one big step closer to being more organized, efficient, and as a result, more successful.

Keep reading to find out some of the key reasons making management of your rental property paperless is a good idea, and along the way learn some exceptional tips for how to get started.


Why Should You Consider Taking Your Rental Property Management Paperless?

It has been suggested that those taking their rental property businesses paperless have gone on to out-perform their competition.

Here are several convincing reasons why taking your business paperless is a good idea:

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to consider taking your Anne Arundel County rental property business paperless.


How to Go Paperless with Managing Your Severna Park Rental Property

1. Electronically Share Important Documents

For documents that you need to share with your tenants, try doing the following:


2. Store Electronic Documentations

In addition to sharing and signing documents electronically, you can easily store all of your business’ most important paperwork locally and via the cloud. Take for instance the following:


3. Avoid Printing Everything

It is an “old habits die hard” kind of thing when it comes to making the switch from a paper business to a paperless one.

Your instinct to print everything will be strong at first. This is usually because trusting electronics to keep everything secure is a scary thought.

However, once you begin to trust the system, you will see that there is very little that needs to actually be printed and kept on hand.

Everything else can stay safe, secure, and organized in your computer, freeing up tons of office and desk space.


4. Develop a Filing System

Just because you are not dealing with physical paperwork anymore does not mean you don’t need an efficient filing system in place. After all, you still have to organize all of the scanned, e-signed, and shared documents.

Here are some key tips:


5. Deal with Online Payments

If you are going to go paperless with your rental property business’ documents, you might want to consider going financially paperless as well.


In addition to dealing with all payments online, it is also smart to invest in some accounting software to help you balance the books more efficiently.

Utilizing a spreadsheet leaves a lot of room for errors, and leads to an auditing nightmare come tax time.

Entrust the software to help you out, and make your life easier.


In the end, there are many benefits to going paperless in the management of your Anne Arundel County rental property.

From saving you time and money, to keeping you extra organized and more efficient, both you and your tenants will appreciate the reward of going completely paperless.

That said, going paperless can be a huge transition, as beneficial as it may be.


For those looking to have someone else complete the paperless transition for them, contact Bay Management Group today. Not only can we keep all of your accounting and bookkeeping in order, we implement a paperless friendly environment when it comes to many things such as rent collection and maintenance requests.

Get in touch today and see how we can help you get your documents in order and online, while you enjoy the finer parts of being a property owner, such as a cleaner office space, positive cash flow, and more free time.