When the time comes to ask yourself, “Where should I live,” there are no cut-and-dry answers. There are so many places in Maryland that could be your new place to call home. However, in this vast state, every little area has its unique qualities, pluses, and minuses. There are so many aspects to take into consideration, and it’s always scary to wonder if you’re missing any key ones.
Luckily, as established property managers in Maryland, we understand the local areas and neighborhoods first-hand. We have the years of experience needed to know what makes places in Maryland make the cut or not. Read more to find out.
Factors That Help You Decide “Where Should I Live?”
If you’re looking for places in Maryland to go, you might be wondering, “Where should I move?” You might be frazzled or in a hurry, but there are key factors you can’t overlook. Consider the factors below.
Type of Home
Your options will change based on which type of home fits your needs. For example, you should consider whether you want to live in an apartment, co-op, single-family home, or townhouse.
What Do You Want from Your New Community?
When pondering the question, “Where should I move?” you should sit down and ask yourself what you like and dislike about your current community. Then, make sure your top places in Maryland have everything you want and nothing you don’t. For example, if you’re on land but have always wanted to live near the water, that should be something to prioritize.
Neighborhood Associations
It’s a good idea to check if the community you’re thinking about has a neighborhood association. If it does have one, see what its qualities are, such as its lawn or community restrictions, or its yearly fee.
Warning Signs
When you look at places in Maryland, you should be aware of signals your eyed neighborhoods are in bad shape. Scan your eyes for signs of disrepair, like abandoned buildings or vandalism. Also, see if there are “For Sale” signs scattered around. Or examine if the neighbors are unruly and noisy. All this shows the community’s value, and your potential house’s value, are facing a downward spiral.
Another way to accomplish this is by going directly to the source and talking to your future neighbors. Get a feel for their satisfaction with the area, as well as intel on anything they don’t like about the place. Outside of that information, their behavior itself will speak volumes. If many of them are standoffish and cold, those aren’t people you’d want to be surrounded by.
Cost of Living
No matter which places in Maryland you aim to go to, the cost of living will be a vital aspect of your decision-making. Think about where you can afford to live comfortably based on your salary. Include rent, property taxes, and utilities in your calculations.
Furthermore, see how your area’s median household income compares to the national median total cost of living, as well as the costs of goods and services compared to other places.
Job Availability or Flexibility
One big reason you might be moving is your job prospects. So, you should research the area’s average annual salary and unemployment rate.
Mental Health
A location can have all the bells and whistles you could dream of, but none of that matters if you’re not happy there.
You should stick to your guts about your true needs and wants. For instance, if you love the city lifestyle, you shouldn’t force yourself to settle in a small town unless you must.
Also, you should consider how many shops, restaurants, attractions, and other places important to you there are.
If you are a data-driven person, you could look at the Sharecare Community Well-Being Index, which measures people’s self-described happiness, sense of pride in their neighborhood, and feelings of security in various places in Maryland.
Whether you work in an office or at home, an area’s work commute length can signal how lengthy its traffic usually is. Due to this, you should examine how far grocery stores, gyms, restaurants, or other places would be from your home. While some might be fine with some traffic or long drives, other people may not be so welcoming to these nuisances. Think carefully about which end of the spectrum you belong to.
Crime Rates
When people ask themselves, “Where should I move?” they prioritize low crime levels as a key factor.
Understandably, they are concerned about becoming the victim of a crime. After all, even common property crimes, like car theft, can have additional consequences, like higher insurance rates.
You can get a better idea of risks from online data and police department advice. However, this is another case where you might benefit from experiencing what various places in Maryland are like with your own eyes. Visit during nights, weekend afternoons, or weekdays right after schools end the day to see what the atmosphere is like in these pivotal times. Or, consider getting safety systems like security cameras for your home.
Education Quality
If you have children or plan on having them, quality education is a must. Needless to say, you should thoroughly research available schools to make sure that they have what it takes to support your kids.
Quality and Availability of Health Care
If you’re chugging along just fine, you may not think too hard about your proximity to hospitals. However, you should always have access to health care in an emergency. Make sure your targeted places in Maryland have a respectable hospital and good doctors.
Find the Best Places in Maryland with BMG
When you factor in critical aspects like safety, health care, and mental health, you have better covered your bases in deciding, “Where should I live?” That question we all ask ourselves at some point, “Where should I move?” can be complex, like a never-ending maze. But it doesn’t have to be. Bay Management Group is a team of professionals that manages countless places in Maryland, from the creation of a convenient database of rental listings to the move-in process, to handling many day-to-day issues you might face as a tenant. Contact us today to simplify your rental experience.