6,000Units Under Management
Less Than 1% Eviction Rate
Avg. Time Rental Is on Market 23 Days

Tag Archives: tips to market to new tenants

Top Tips for Renting to Travel Nurses


When thinking about your dream tenant, have you ever considered a travel nurse? Many traveling healthcare professionals need short-term accommodations for their ever-changing job placements. So, if you own rental properties, you may consider marketing and advertising to travel nurses or other healthcare professionals. If this interests you, read along as we review some of […]

How to Create a Tenant Referral Program for Your Rental Business


The key to successful rental properties is great tenants. But unfortunately, finding great tenants isn’t always easy. Sure, you can post rental ads online, host an open house, or spread the word to your friends and family, but these efforts don’t always work out. However, what if you looked to your existing pool of renters […]

Top 5 Rental Property Appliances For Rental Properties in 2022

Top 5 Rental Property Appliances that Tenants Want in their Home

Part of running a successful rental business includes providing tenants with up-to-date appliances and valuable amenities. Not only does this give tenants a better experience, but it also increases the value of your property. Unfortunately, however, most of them come with a hefty cost. That said, installing modern, energy-saving rental property appliances is a great […]

5 Advertising Tips to Attract High-Quality Tenants to Your Rental Property

As a landlord, you’re not just a person who collects rent checks. You also have to be a maintenance person, a salesperson, a supervisor, and – you guessed it – an advertiser! But maybe advertising isn’t easy for you. Maybe you’re struggling to use marketing tactics to find the top-quality tenants you want. Or, maybe […]