Owning rental properties is an excellent way to set yourself up for financial success. However, success only comes with the proper management practices in place. That said, finding reliable tenants is one of the most important parts of owning and operating rental properties. Once you have good tenants, you won’t want to lose them. Instead, […]
Tag Archives: lease renewal
Renting out your home offers one of the best opportunities to build a steady cash flow. That is, as long as you find the right tenants for each property. After all, low turnover and vacancy rates are essential to becoming a successful landlord. Once the perfect tenants are in place, renewing their leases year to […]
Most tenants will experience a rent increase at some point throughout their rental career. Rent increases are common and sometimes necessary to keep up with market trends, inflation rates, and rental expenses. However, although rent increases are beneficial for owners, it leaves tenants in a tough spot. Is there anything tenants can do to avoid […]
When a lease is about to end, landlords have a decision to make–find a new tenant or renew the lease agreement. Depending on the situation, the answer may be apparent. After all, finding new tenants can sometimes be difficult, and no landlord wants to deal with vacancies. However, if your current tenant isn’t the best […]
A rental property lease is the most important document a landlord can have. The legal contract between a tenant and a landlord outlines expectations, costs, requirements, and usage rules for residents to occupy a rental property. That said, there are many variations to the lease terms, but there are two main types; annual leases and […]