6,000Units Under Management
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Avg. Time Rental Is on Market 23 Days

Tag Archives: how to sublease a rental property

How to Find Someone to Take Over Your Lease

As a property management company, we understand that things come up. Whether your family is growing or you must relocate for work, you may have to break your lease early. While this is not ideal for landlords or property managers, you can do a few things to make the process easier. For instance, you can […]

What is Subletting? What Every Landlord Needs to Know

Finding the right tenant for your rental property could prove to be a tedious process. After going to all of that effort, what happens when the tenant skips town, leaving your apartment sublet to someone else? What could easily become a landlord’s worst nightmare is also an avoidable situation. Join us below as we explain […]

The Landlord’s Guide to Subleasing Rental Properties

In the past, we have discussed ways to protect your rental investments from tenants who use your rental property on marketplaces such as Airbnb as a way to sublet your home. But have you put any thought into general subleasing options and how that may affect your rental property business? Today we will look at what exactly subleasing a […]