6,000Units Under Management
Less Than 1% Eviction Rate
Avg. Time Rental Is on Market 23 Days

6 Security Deposit Best Practices You Should Be Using As A Landlord

As a Maryland landlord, you can’t just “wing it” when it comes to handling security deposits. You have to follow specific procedures and adhere to Maryland laws (whether you’re in Prince George’s County or elsewhere in Maryland). Otherwise, you could end up in court and/or owe your tenants a lot of money! To help you […]

The Landlord’s Guide to Dealing with and Preventing Costly No-Shows

If you have a lot of experience renting out properties, you’ve likely dealt with many no-shows. You know how it goes – you take valuable time out of your day, drive out to your property, and prepare mentally to walk a tenant through what could be their future home. But then, no one ever shows […]

7 Notices You Might Use as a Maryland Landlord

As a landlord in Howard County and throughout Maryland, your job is rarely hands-off. You have to interact with your tenants for a variety of reasons. Luckily, there’s an efficient and legal way to do this: notices. Notices are legal forms used by landlords and property managers to communicate intentions for the property or to […]

14 Free Things for Baltimore Residents to Do

Maryland’s largest and most diverse city, Baltimore, has much to offer your future tenants. Known for its beautiful waterfront harbor, shops that resemble historical times, and restaurants that can satisfy even the trendiest of people, this is the city to be in. Baltimore offers an abundance of special events and activities all throughout the year. […]

6 Easy Ways to Help Tenants Transition Happily to a New City

If you’ve ever moved to a new city, you know how stressful the process can be. Not only do you have to deal with the normal hassles of moving like packing and cleaning – you also have to leave familiar surroundings and get used to a completely new area. You have to figure out where […]

7 Tips for Planning and Taking a Relaxing Vacation as a Landlord

Many full time jobs allow employees to take a couple of weeks every year for vacation. Unfortunately, landlords often don’t have that luxury because taking care of tenants and properties requires 24/7 availability. Because of this, landlords often completely avoid taking vacations, which can cause burnout and frustration. While you might think working all of […]

The Maryland Landlord’s Guide to Renting to College Students

If you’re like many Prince George’s County landlords, you might worry that renting to college students will mean dealing with constant partying in your property, unwanted long-term guests, and costly damages. That may be true sometimes, but what you may not realize is that renting to students can be very lucrative, if done correctly. Whether […]

5 Advertising Tips to Attract High-Quality Tenants to Your Rental Property

As a landlord, you’re not just a person who collects rent checks. You also have to be a maintenance person, a salesperson, a supervisor, and – you guessed it – an advertiser! But maybe advertising isn’t easy for you. Maybe you’re struggling to use marketing tactics to find the top-quality tenants you want. Or, maybe […]

9 Tips for Adding Serious Curb Appeal to Rental Your Property

First Impressions Matter Let’s say you’ve just brought a prospective tenant to view your Howard County property. Put yourself in their shoes for a second – what’s your first impression of the property when you look at its exterior? It might be tough to form an unbiased opinion, but envision your property and try your […]

5 Tips for Painting Your Rental Property’s Interior

Part of being a good landlord in Maryland is keeping your property in good shape.  What better way to do that than add a fresh coat of paint? A good paint job is an affordable change that can have a major positive impact on the quality of tenants you attract. After all, your tenants want […]